Publications | ouvrages des chercheuses et chercheurs



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After the crisis the way ahead - Presentation Conference on the Report LIGEP After the crisis the way ahead.


After the crisis the way ahead - Presentation Conference on the Report LIGEP After the crisis the way ahead.

Jean-Paul Fitoussi , Edmund Phelps, Robert Gordon, Christofer Pissarides, Etienne Wasmer, Giorgio Di Giorgio, Stefano Micossi, Jacopo Carmassi, Paola Parascandolo, Francesco Saraceno

Luiss University Press 2010


Capitalismo prossimo venturo


Capitalismo prossimo venturo

Valerio De Luca, Jean-Paul Fitoussi, Roger Mccormick

éditions UBE 2010


The Stiglitz Report: Reforming the international monetary and financial systems in the wake of the global crisis


The Stiglitz Report: Reforming the international monetary and financial systems in the wake of the global crisis

Joseph Stiglitz and Members of a UN Comission of Financial Experts Jean-Paul Fitoussi

The New Press 2010


Aftershocks  - Economic Crisis and Institutional Choice


Aftershocks - Economic Crisis and Institutional Choice

Anton Hemerijck, Ben Knapen, Ellen van Doorne

Amsterdam University Press 2009


Vers de nouveaux systèmes de mesure  - Performances économiques et progrès social


Vers de nouveaux systèmes de mesure - Performances économiques et progrès social

Joseph Stiglitz , Amartya Sen, Jean-Paul Fitoussi

éditions Odile Jacob 2009


Richesse des nations et bien-être des individus. 
Performances économiques et progrès social


Richesse des nations et bien-être des individus. Performances économiques et progrès social

Joseph Stiglitz , Amartya Sen, Jean-Paul Fitoussi

éditions Odile Jacob 2009


La nuova ecologia politica - Economia e sviluppo umano


La nuova ecologia politica - Economia e sviluppo umano

Jean-Paul Fitoussi, Eloi Laurent

éditions Feltrinelli 2009


Il mondo che verra - Idee e proposte per il dopo G8


Il mondo che verra - Idee e proposte per il dopo G8

A cura di Pino Buogiorno


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