Publications | Working Papers



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N°14 | avril 2018

International competition and rent sharing in french manufacturing

Lionel Nesta, Stefano Schiavo


N°13 | avril 2018

Unconventional Monetary Policy: Between the Past and Future of Monetary Economics

Mattia Guerini, Francesco Lamperti, Andrea Mazzocchetti


N°12 | mars 2018

The impact of the French policy mix on business R&D: how geography matters

Benjamin Montmartin, Marcos Herrera, Nadine Massard


N°11 | mars 2018

Salaire minimum : du coût salarial au niveau de vie. Une comparaison France, Allemagne et Royaume-Uni

Odile Chagny, Sabine Le Bayon, Catherine Mathieu, Henri Sterdyniak


N°10 | mars 2018

The risk and refugee migration

Géraldine Bocqueho, Marc Deschamps, Jenny Helstroffer, Julien Jacob, Majlinda Joxhe


N°09 | janvier 2018

The labor supply of baby-boomers and low-flation

Benoit Mojon, Xavier Ragot


N°07 | janvier 2018

Collateral Unchained: Rehypothecation networks, concentration and systemic effects

Duc Thi Luu, Mauro Napoletano, Paolo Barucca, Stefano Battiston


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